The 87th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association

Session information

Regular Symposium

Regular Symposium » On-site

Collaboration between memory studies and clinical psychology

Changes in the self and emotions through memory updating

Sun. Sep 17, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Room 5 (5F 501)

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

[SS-029] Collaboration between memory studies and clinical psychology

Changes in the self and emotions through memory updating

.企画代表者(Representative Organizer)Noboru Matsumoto Matsumoto1, .企画者(Organizer)Takashi Sugiyama5, .話題提供者(Speaker)Natsuki Nagata2, .Junya Hashimoto3, .Kazuhiro Ikeda4, .指定討論者(Discussant)Noboru Matsumoto Matsumoto1, .司会者(Chair)Keita Ochi6 (1.Shinshu University, 2.Ochanomizu University, 3.Hiroshima University, 4.Shokei Gakuin University, 5.Kanagawa University, 6.Hosei University)




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