The 87th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association


Invited Symposium » On-demand Streaming

Invited Symposium

【日本心理学会 死生心理学研究会・日本心理学会連携企画】
Frontiers in Grief and Bereavement Research

Advances in Psychology of Death and Life (8)

[IS-020] Frontiers in Grief and Bereavement Research

Advances in Psychology of Death and Life (8)

.企画代表者(Representative Organizer)Daisuke Kawashima1, .企画者(Organizer)Yoshiki Koga3, .話題提供者(Speaker)Tai Tsujimoto5, .Chizuru Akata6, .Tomomi Kempe1, .指定討論者(Discussant)Yukihiro Sakaguchi6, .Terumi Watanabe7, .司会者(Chair)Megumi Kondo-Arita4, .Yu Urata2 (1.Chukyo University, 2.Osaka University, 3.National Hospital Organization Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center, 4.Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 5.Nanzan University, 6.Kwansei Gakuin University, 7.Bukkyo University)

Invited Symposium

Occupational stress and mental health: Toward the internationalization of occupational health psychology

.企画代表者(Representative Organizer)Akihito Shimazu1, .企画者(Organizer)Akinori Nakata2, .話題提供者(Speaker)Akihito Shimazu1, .Akinori Nakata2, .Hiroyuki Toyama3, .Keiko Sakakibara4, .司会者(Chair)Akihito Shimazu1 (1.Keio University, 2.International University of Health and Welfare, 3.University of Helsinki, 4.Toyo University)

Invited Symposium

Psychology of "MUSHIN"Ⅴ

.企画代表者(Representative Organizer)Michio Nomura Nomura1, .話題提供者(Speaker)Michio Nomura Nomura1, .Hikaru Koike1, .Yoshifumi Tanaka4, .Takahashi Hideyuki3, .指定討論者(Discussant)Takeshi Okada2, .司会者(Chair)Michio Nomura Nomura1 (1.Kyoto University, 2.University of Tokyo, 3.Osaka University, 4.Mukogawa Women's University)

Invited Symposium

The Training System for The Certified Public Psychologists in Japanese Graduare School


.企画代表者(Representative Organizer)Yoshihiko Tanno2, .企画者(Organizer)The Association of Training Institution for Certified Public Psychologist1, .Tomu Ootsuki3, .Daisule Itou4, .話題提供者(Speaker)Tomu Ootsuki3, .Daisule Itou4, .Misato Yoshihashi5, .Jun Sasaki6, .Kouki Arimitsu7, .Hironori Shimada3, .指定討論者(Discussant)The Japanese Psychological Association8, .司会者(Chair)Yoshihiko Tanno2 (1.The Association of Training Institution for Certified Public Psychologist, 2.The University of Tokyo, 3.Waseda University, 4.Hyogo University of Teacher Education, 5.Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 6.The University of Osaka, 7.Kwansei Gakuin University, 8.The Japanese Psychological Association)

Invited Symposium

One-shot presentation for early career psychologists.



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