The 87th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association


Tutorial Workshop » On-demand Streaming

Tutorial Workshops

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Psychologists.

Considering the Potential of AI Applications in Psychology: Introducing natural language processing and GAN, and presenting methods for applying them to research through practical implementation.

[TWS-014] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Psychologists.

Considering the Potential of AI Applications in Psychology: Introducing natural language processing and GAN, and presenting methods for applying them to research through practical implementation.

.講師(Speaker)Hideki Toyoda1, .Jinghao MA2, .Kenichi Sasaki2, .企画者(Organizer)Hideki Toyoda1 (1.Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 2.Waseda University Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences)

Tutorial Workshops

Introduction to Analytic Autoethnography of Qualitative Research

Learn qualitative research using poster presentations from the Japanese Psychological Association as examples



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