Osaka Conv. of JPI (53rd Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of JPI)

Presentation information

Refining process

[1D04-1D06] Refining process (2)

Thu. Oct 26, 2023 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Room-D (7F-room-701)

Chair:Takeshi Kubota(Shimane Univ.)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[1D06] Combining Sulzer GT-BTX PluS® & Axens' Prime-G+® to eliminate the octane loss while maximizing petrochemicals production from FCC gasoline

○Charlie Chou1, Norihiko Onishi2, Hiroshi Kurumado3 (1. Sulzer GTC Technology, 2. Hakuto Co., Ltd CSC, 3. E Tech Consult Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:FCC gasoline, petrochemical products, gasoline mode

Most of the FCC units in Japan refineries utilized Prime-G+® technology to remove sulfur. This presentation is going to introduce the addition of GT-BTX PluS® technology on top of the existing Prime-G+ unit to enable two additional functions: 1. At gasoline mode – to eliminate whatever RON loss the existing Prime-G+ unit has. 2. At petrochemical mode – to convert FCC gasoline to petrochemical products, including aromatics and propylene. By a one-time low investment, Japan refineries will be able to gain the valuable flexibility to switch between gasoline mode and petrochemical mode to quickly adapt the market change, and survive & prevail in the competitive refining industry.