石油学会 大阪大会(第53回石油・石油化学討論会)


インターナショナル sess.

[1D11-1D12] インターナショナル sess. (3)

2023年10月26日(木) 14:45 〜 15:45 D会場 (7F-701号室)

座長:藤墳 大裕(京都大学)

14:45 〜 15:15

[1D11] Breakthroughs in Solid Sorbents for CO2 Capture

○Jeong Gil Seo1 (1. Hanyang University)

キーワード:Carbon Dioxide, Magnesium Oxide, Eutectic Mixture

Despite numerous efforts to decarbonize the energy sector, the rapid increase in CO2 global emissions continues. Thus, the role of carbon capture and utilization in attaining net zero emissions remains indispensable. This presentation aims to summarize emerging sorbents and technologies for CO2 capture. Among sorbents available for CO2 capture, eutectic mixture (EM)-promoted MgO-based sorbents are focused on due to their high sorption capacities. In-situ TEM studies show that EM-MgO undergoes rearrangement and EM migration after multiple uses, resulting in poor cyclability and reusability. Several strategies such as the use of stabilizers, supports, and employing a core-shell morphology were thus employed to achieve stable cyclic performances. Finally, electric field-assisted CO2 capture was found to increase sorption performance while decreasing temperature and energy requirements.