石油学会 大阪大会(第53回石油・石油化学討論会)



[2C06-2C10] ポリマー・オリゴマー (2)

2023年10月27日(金) 10:30 〜 11:45 C会場 (7F-700号室)

座長:塩野 毅(広島大学)

10:30 〜 10:45

[2C06] Effect of donors on supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst: internal donor-induced support reconstruction and its effects on TiCl4 distribution

○João Marcos da Silveira1, Hiroki Chikuma1, Gentoku Takasao2, Toshiaki Taniike1 (1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2. Division of Physical Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

キーワード:Ziegler-Natta catalyst, Machine learning, DFT

Internal donors (IDs) are an essential part of the heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst - the most important catalyst for propylene polymerization -, drastically improving stereospecificity and activity. Nevertheless, a deep understanding of donor-induced changes to the system is still lacking. In this study, structure determination of nanoplates composed of 19MgCl2/4TiCl4/5IDs was performed (IDs being diether or a phthalate) by utilizing DFT and a genetic algorithm. The most stable structures' shape was analyzed, as well as the distribution of Mg2+ coordination number and TiCl4 population according to the presence and type of stereo-controlling ligands, aiming to find how the support is shaped by IDs and how this shape affects Ti species distribution.