石油学会 大阪大会(第53回石油・石油化学討論会)



[2F01-2F05] 設備保全 (4)

2023年10月27日(金) 09:00 〜 10:15 F会場 (8F-中ホール)

座長:牧下 知行(出光興産(株))

09:45 〜 10:00

[2F04] APM Reliability powered by SmartSignal analytics

○Omar Atillo1 (1. GE Digital Japan K.K.)

キーワード:Predictive Analytics, Unplanned Downtime, APM

Engineers are faced with a demanding responsibility of maintaining critical equipment to ensure high levels of reliability, availability, and performance under tight budget constraints. To avoid operating surprises, accurate assessment of equipment operating conditions is needed to judge whether production demands can be satisfied while maintenance costs are controlled.

The focus is the choice of a solution that can accurately and automatically detect and diagnose problems early enough to shift unplanned maintenance to planned maintenance and can be easily implemented and maintained across all equipment across the fleet.

In this presentation, GE Digital will present SmartSignal® (Predictive Analytics) within the foundational work processes for equipment strategy management.