3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
[15p-1B-10] [Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Solution-Processed Metal Oxide Thin-Film Transistor with Printed-Silver Electrode
Keywords:Oxide Semiconductor,Thin-Film Transistor,Printing Technique
In this study, we worked on a printed thin-film transistor (TFT) with a transparent amorphous oxide semiconductor (TAOS) as a switching element in wearable devices. TAOS has superior properties, such as high electron mobility, low fabrication temperature and high transparency. However the printing technique and material selection have not yet been established. In this report, we selected amorphous InZnO as TAOS and Silver (Ag) paste for source and drain electrodes and they were fabricated by spin-coating and screen printing. The fabricated IZO TFT showed switching characteristics and higher On-current than reference sample with Ag source and drain electrodes by sputtering. Using an image of TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope), an oxidized intermediate layer with 5 nm thickness was observed at an interface between IZO and sputter Ag. On the other hand the oxidized layer did not form for printed Ag electrode. As a result, printed Ag can be formed on IZO without oxidation and generates lower contact resistance. Therefore, it can be expected for printed electrode for TAOS TFT.