14:00 〜 14:15
▲ [20p-233-2] Nanopatterning by helium ion beam: Only as good as the sample
キーワード:helium ion beam milling, graphene, nanomesh
Since the commercial introduction of the gas field ion source (GFIS) that is at the heart of focused gas (light) ion beam systems, unprecedented milling resolution and versatility has been achieved. Thanks to the atomically small yet incredibly bright source (only ions generated from a single tip atom are directed on the sample) and the shorter wavelength of light ions compared to electrons, very narrow beam diameters down to 0.25 nm have been achieved. Such beams have been used to pattern various materials, including gold to form plasmonic antennae [1], graphene nanoribbons [2], graphene nanomesh [3] or investigate inner forces in graphene nanoscrolls [4].In this presentation, we will share our experience in sample preparation for HIM milling and discuss strategies for successful experiments.