The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting 2020

Session information

Poster presentation

12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics » 12.7 Biomedical Engineering and Biochips

[12p-PA7-1~16] 12.7 Biomedical Engineering and Biochips

Thu. Mar 12, 2020 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM PA7 (PA)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Maiko Nampo1, Ono Takao1, Miyakawa Naruto2, Kanai Yasushi1, Koyama Tomohiro1, Tanioku Masami1, Ushiba Shota2, Shinagawa Ayumu2, Inoue Koichi1, Watanabe Yohei3, Nakakita Shinichi4, Kawahara Toshio5, Suzuki Yasuo5, Kimura Masahiko2, Chiba Daichi1, Matsumoto Kazuhiko1 (1.ISIR, Osaka Univ., 2.Murata Mfg., 3.KPUM, 4.Kagawa Univ., 5.Chubu Univ.)



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