


7 ビーム応用 » 7.1 X線技術

[21p-C206-1~13] 7.1 X線技術

2022年9月21日(水) 13:30 〜 17:00 C206 (C206)

米山 明男(九州シンクロトロン光研究センター )、石野 雅彦(量研機構)

14:45 〜 15:00

[21p-C206-6] A high-transmittance Schwarzschild objective (SO) to focus high-intensity EUV-VUV light from laser-plasma light source

〇(M2)Yubo Wang1、Tanaka Nozomi1、Katsunobu Nishihara1、Shinsuke Fujioka1、Atsushi Sunahara1,2、Tomoyuki Johzaki1,3、Kyung Sik Kang4、Youngduk Suh4、Jeong-Gil Kim4、Shinji Ueyama5、Ken Ozawa5 (1.ILE Osaka Univ.、2.Purdue University、3.Hiroshima University、4.Samsung MR、5.Samsung R&D Institute Japan)

キーワード:EUV source, Laser Produced plasma, EUV optics

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) technology offer a wide range of benefits and have a large number of practical applications, such as EUV-VUV imaging, spectroscopy, Nano-machining and so on. laser-produced plasma (LPP) is often used as EUV-VUV light source with short-pulse (nanosecond), high-temperature (10-100 eV), and high-density (~1021 cm-3) plasma. This plasma can emit light in different wavelength from ~10nm to ~180nm and its peak can be shifted by changing driver laser parameters.
The SO focusing system distinguishes itself for eliminating coma aberration as well as astigmatism with two concentric reflective mirrors. We have designed and tested a SO to mainly collect longer wavelength component from Xe plasma emission. The large primary mirror reflects and focuses light on the secondary mirror, which can reflect again to gather it on focal point. There, this intense radiation can be used for applications. Details will be discussed in the talk.