


[IX-29-10_12] 遺伝・育種 (IX-午前)

2019年3月29日(金) 10:30 〜 11:00 第IX会場 (8号館8502講義室)

座長:万年 英之(神戸大院農)

10:40 〜 10:50

[IX29-11E] Realized heritability of Eggshell and its consequences

渡邉 澪, 鈴木 陽子, 長嶺 慶隆 (日大)

We investigated the effect of a single trait, Non-Destructive Deformation (NDD), selection on eggshell strength and other egg traits. A White Leghorns population, which were selected for NDD into weak and strong lines for 11 generations was used. In total 2,993 (weak) and 3,086 records (strong) were analyzed. We calculated the Realized heritability (Rh2), and analyzed the relationship between each trait. The Rh2 were as follows (strong and weak lines): Shell breaking strength (0.32 and 0.26), Shell thickness (0.29 and 0.34), Shell weight (0.18 and 0.46), Percent of shell (0.34 and 0.31), NDD (0.25 and 0.31), and Egg product (0.83 and 0.36).Also, the linear regression of Shell breaking strength (y) on NDD (x) were y=-0.0296x+5.1 (strong ), y=-0.0178x+3.1 (weak ). The regression coefficients were significantly different (P<0.001).