


4. 形態・生理


2021年9月15日(水) 08:40 〜 12:00 形態・生理 (オンライン)

座長:小笠原 英毅(北里大獣医)、室谷 進(農研機構畜産部門)、松崎 正敏(弘前大農学生命)、小林 謙(北大院農)、磯部 直樹(広大院生物圏)、鈴木 裕(北大院農)

[IV-15-13] Relationship between milk Ig level and inflammation status induced by intramammary infusion of E.coli

*清水 雅弘1、新居 隆浩1,2、吉村 幸則1,2、磯部 直樹1,2 (1. 広大院統合生命科学、2. RCAS)

[Objective] The aim of the present study was to examine relationship between immunoglobulin level in milk and inflammation status induced by intramammary infusion of E.coli in lactating goats.
[Materials and Methods] Goats (16 udders) were intramammary infused with 108 cells E.coli in 5 ml PBS at Day 0. Milk samples were collected every day from Day -2 to Day 7. At Day 0, milk was also collected at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 h after E.coli infusion. Milk yield, somatic cell count (SCC), Na+, total IgG, total IgA and E.coli-specific IgG concentrations in milk were measured.
[Results] Negative correlation was observed between E.coli-specific IgG and SCC at Day 1. Negative correlations were also observed between E.coli-specific IgG and Na+ at 8h at Day 0 and Day 4 whereas positive correlations were observed between total IgA and Na+ at 0 h, 2 h, Day 5, 6 and 7.
[Conclusion] These results suggest that higher milk concentration of E.coli-specific IgG resulted in weaker inflammation after bacterial stimulation.