


5. 畜産物利用


2021年9月15日(水) 13:00 〜 14:30 畜産物利用 (オンライン)

座長:竹田 志郎(麻布大獣医)、重盛 駿(信州大農)、周 冰卉(東北大院農)

[V-15-22] Advanced in vitro evaluation to explore novel anti-rotavirus immunobiotics

*北原 秀悟1、荒木 祥多1、扇 隆介1、櫻井 美月1、周 冰卉1,3、庄 涛1、宮崎 綾子2、宮澤 光太郎2、大坪 和香子1,3、麻生 久1,3、北澤 春樹1,3 (1. 東北大院農、2. 農研機構、3. 食と農免疫国際教育研究セ)

[Purpose] Diarrhea originated by rotavirus has been caused severe economic problems among livestock production. We have been searching prophylactic immunobiotics that can reduce rotavirus (RV)replication through their immune-modulating effect. In this study, we aimed to explore anti-RV immunobiotic candidates from a pig-derived lactobacilli library.
[Methods] PIE cells were treated with inactivated LAB and then inoculated with RV. Total RNA was extracted from the cells and viral RNA was quantified by qRT-PCR. Relative mRNA expression levels of genes associated with host antiviral and inflammatory responses were also analyzed.
[Results] Among 120 LAB strains, several strains could reduce viral RNA quantities in the RV inoculated cells. Reduction in viral RNA quantities was associated with mRNA expression levels of some genes related to antiviral and inflammatory immune responses. These findings will contribute to explore novel anti-rotavirus immunobiotics more efficiently than ever.
[ACK] The Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution(Research program on development of innovative technology, No. 01002A)