MMIJ 2023,Matsuyama

Presentation information (2023/08/10 Ver.)

Special session

(Special session) Mining history[Thu. Sep 14, 2023 PM Room-8]

Thu. Sep 14, 2023 1:00 PM - 4:50 PM (Room-8) EL24, 2F, Common Lecture Hall C

Chairperson: Tetsuya NAKANISHI (The Kyushu University Museum), Hideki KUMA (The Kyushu University Museum)

3:25 PM - 3:50 PM

[3801-08-06] consideration of the change in the shape of the surface of rubbing of mining millstone and amount of ore produced
through the practice of mining millstone production

○Komatsu Misuzu1 (1. The Yu-no-okuMuseum of Gold Mining History)

Chairperson: Hideki KUMA (The Kyushu University Museum)

Keywords:gold minig millstone , minig millstone , handmade, rotary mining millstone, millstone production





