The Japanese Biochemical Society/The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

6976 results (4931 - 4940)

[3P-0440(4LT10-06)] Identification of an Awa-tea derived novel compound that suppresses NFAT signaling and underlying mechanism of its suppressive effect

〇Hiroyuki Mizuguchi1, Tomohiro Nakano1, Kohei Nishida1, Noriko Kitamura2, Masayuki Uchida2,3, Hiromichi Fujino1, Osamu Kaminuma4, Hiroyuki Fukui5 (1.Dept. Mol. Pharmacol. Inst. Biomed. Sci. Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch., 2.Allergy Immunol. Proj. Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Med. Sci., 3.Food Sci. Res. Lab. Div. Res. and Develop. Meiji Co., Ltd, 4.Cent. Life Sci. Res. Univ. Yamanashi, 5.Dept. Mol. Stud. for Incurable Dis. Inst. Biomed. Sci. Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch.)


6976 results (4931 - 4940)