International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

340件中(121 - 130)

[OLED2-2] Ultra-Thin-Encapsulation Layers Fabrication for High-Resolution OLEDs Realized by a Showerhead-Type Initiated CVD and Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Hybrid System

*Byeong Gyu Roh1、Hun Hoe Heo1、Seung Chul Park1、Ji Ho Baek1、Sung Gap Im2、Ji Hye Kim3、Seong Jun Jeong3、Hyung Sang Park3 (1.LG Display (Korea)、2.KAIST (Korea)、3.iSAC Research Inc. (Korea))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 29 (IDW '22) |2022年12月15日(木) 13:20 〜 13:40 |PDF ダウンロード

340件中(121 - 130)