International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

340件中(251 - 260)

[MEET5-2 (Invited)] Highly Efficient Green InP Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes by Enhancing Carrier Injection

*Kai Wang1,2、Tianqi Zhang1,2,3、Pai Liu1,2、Fangqing Zhao1,2、Yangzhi Tan1,2、Jiayun Sun1,2、Xiangtian Xiao1,2、Zhaojing Wang1,2、Qingqian Wang1,2、Fankai Zheng1,2、Xiao Wei Sun1,2、Dan Wu4、Guichuan Xing3 (1.Southern University of Science and Technology (China)、2.Key Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies (Southern University of Science and Technology) (China)、3.University of Macau (China)、4.Shenzhen Technology University (China))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 29 (IDW '22) |2022年12月15日(木) 13:20 〜 13:40 |PDF ダウンロード

340件中(251 - 260)