The Japanese Biochemical Society

[1T11-04(1P-127)] X-ray crystallographic studies of the Bqt1-Bqt2 complex using crystallization chaperones

Hidetaka Yuzurihara1, Yuki Aizawa1, Hiroshi Yokoyama2, Yuji Chikashige3, Tokuko Haraguchi3,4, Yashushi Hiraoka3,4, Hitoshi Kurumizaka5, Wataru Kagawa1 (1.School of Science and Engineering, Meisei University, 2.Animal Waste Management and Environ. Div., NARO Inst. of Livestock and Grassland Sci., 3.Adv. ITC Research Inst. Kobe, NICT, 4.Grad. Sch. of Frontier Biosci., Osaka Univ., 5.Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda)

The 89th Annual Meeting of JBS |Sun. Sep 25, 2016 9:26 AM - 9:38 AM

[1T11-06(1P-102)] The inhibition mechanism of a clinical drug that weakly interacts the proteasome.

Rina Sugiyama1, Hiroshi Yamaguchi2, Yukio Morimoto3, Ichiro Hisatome4, Masaki Unno1,5 (1.Quant. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci. Eng., Ibaraki Univ., 2.Chem. Grad. Sch. Sci. Tech., Kwansei Gakuinn Univ., 3.Resear. React. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 4.Inst. Regenerat. Med. Biofunc., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci. ,Tottori Univ., 5.iFRC, Ibaraki Univ.)

The 89th Annual Meeting of JBS |Sun. Sep 25, 2016 9:50 AM - 10:02 AM