The Japan Society of Applied Physics

249件中(171 - 180)

[C-7-4] ZnO Quantum Structures towards UV Diode Lasers

M. Kawasaki、A. Ohtomo、R. Shiroki、I. Ohkubo、H. Kimura、G. Isoya、T. Yasuda、Y. Segawa、H. Koinuma (1.Dept. of Innovative and Engineered Mat., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.、2.Dept. of Electronic Mat., Ishinomaki Senshu Univ.、3.Photodynamics Research Center, RIKEN)

1998 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

[C-7-5] Periodic Boundary Quantum Chemical Study on ZnO Ultra-Violet Laser Emitting Materials

Yasunori Oumi、Hiromitsu Takaba、S. Salai Cheettu Ammal、Momoji Kubo、Kazuo Teraishi、Akira Miyamoto、Masashi Kawasaki、Mamoru Yoshimoto、Hideomi Koinuma (1.Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University、2.Department of Innovative and Engineering Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology、3.Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology、4.CREST-JRDC and Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

1998 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

249件中(171 - 180)