



[IS] 国際セッション-I

2023年9月7日(木) 14:15 〜 15:15 W会場 (工学部220講義室)

座長:大橋 裕太郎(芝浦工業大学)

15:00 〜 15:15

[W-04] The UK-Japan Engineering Education League (UKJEEL) Workshop: Rationale, Goals, and Lessons Learned

○Jeffrey Cross1, Daniel Berrar2, Ian Watson3, Roderick Smith4 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. The Open University, 3. University of Glasgow, 4. Imperial College London)

キーワード:Engineering education, UK, Japan international symposium, faculty development, career development, preparing future faculty (PFF)

Engineering university faculty are tasked with educating students who will become engineers that work in industry and also educate doctoral students who, in some cases, will be become future engineering faculty. In Japan, overall, at engineering universities, doctoral students have relatively limited opportunity to learn about engineering education in an international setting. To bridge this gap, the UK Japan Engineering Education League was formed in 2014, bringing together both Japanese and UK doctoral students and engineering faculty to advance engineering education through faculty development and to share best practice in teaching and learning. Since 2014, a total of nine workshops were held alternately in Japan and the UK as
in-person events or as online events due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here, we report the rationale, goals, and the lessons that we learned over the course of the workshop series.

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