The 71th Annual Meeting of JSFST

Presentation information



[SA2] シンポジウムA2:「やさいが彩る毎日のしあわせ~ウェルビーイングを産官学連携のちからで~」
産官学連携シンポジウム(産官学連携委員会・一般財団法人旗影会共催 後援:農林水産省)

Thu. Aug 29, 2024 2:30 PM - 5:15 PM Meijo Hall (1F N101)

世話人:船見 孝博(三栄源エフ・エフ・アイ株式会社)、田中 敏治(キユーピー株式会社)

3:10 PM - 3:40 PM

[SA2-02] The current situation of vegetables in Japan and continuous efforts for increase in vegetable consumption

*Shinichi Ui1 (1. Marketing and Processing Industries Office(Vegetables and Fruit) , Horticultural Crop Division, Crop Production Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

Keywords:increase in vegetable consumption

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