Oral Presentation
[2H01-05] Uncertainty Evaluation
Thu. Sep 8, 2016 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM Room H (Kumume City Plaza - Studio 3)
Chair: Tadafumi Sano (Kyoto Univ.)
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
[2H01] Establishment of an uncertainty estimation system for BWR core characteristics due to nuclear data covariance
(1)Lattice calculation part
*Tadashi Ikehara1, Teppei Yamana1, Hirohisa Kaneko1, Masayuki Tojo1 (1.GNF-J)
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
[2H02] Establishment of an uncertainty estimation system for BWR core characteristics due to nuclear data covariance
(2)Core simulator part
*Teppei Yamana1, Tadashi Ikehara1, Hirohisa Kaneko1, Masayuki Tojo1 (1.GNF-J)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
[2H03] Model V&V and UQ procedure for the neutronics design methodology for the next generation fast reactor
(1)Outline of model V&V and UQ procedure
*Kazuya Ohgama1, Kazumi Ikeda2, Makoto Ishikawa1, Taro Kan3, Shigeo Ohki1 (1.Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2.Mitsubishi FBR Systems, 3.Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
[2H04] Model V&V and UQ procedure for the neutronics design methodology for the next generation fast reactor
*KAZUMI IKEDA1, Kan Taro2, Shuhei Maruyama3, Kazuya Ohgama3 (1.MFBR, 2.MHI, 3.JAEA)
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
[2H05] Model V&V and UQ procedure for the neutronics design methodology for the next generation fast reactor
*Makoto Ishikawa1, Kenji Yokoyama1, Kazuteru Sugino1 (1.JAEA)
Time reserved for Chair (10:45 AM - 10:50 AM)