2017 Fall Meeting


IV. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 404-3 Fuel Reprocessing

Oral presentation

[2K01-04] Pyroprocessing

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 9:30 AM - 10:35 AM Room K (N301 - N Block)

Chair:Shimada Takashi (MHI)

Time reserved for Chair (10:30 AM - 10:35 AM)

Oral presentation

[2K05-09] Minor actinides recovery

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 10:35 AM - 11:55 AM Room K (N301 - N Block)

Chair:Yoshiharu Sakamura (CRIEPI)

Time reserved for Chair (11:50 AM - 11:55 AM)

Oral presentation

[2K10-12] Recovery of U, Pu, Th

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM Room K (N301 - N Block)

Chair:Koichi Uozumi (CRIEPI)

Time reserved for Chair (3:30 PM - 3:35 PM)

Oral presentation

[2K13-14] Separation of Fission Products

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 3:35 PM - 4:10 PM Room K (N301 - N Block)

Chair:Koichi Uozumi (CRIEPI)

Time reserved for Chair (4:05 PM - 4:10 PM)

Oral presentation

[2K15-18] Safety in Fuel Cycle

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 4:10 PM - 5:15 PM Room K (N301 - N Block)

Chair:Takehiko Tsukahara (Tokyo Tech)

4:25 PM - 4:40 PM

[2K16] Study on the combustion behavior of radiolytically generated hydrogen explosion in vessels at the reprocessing plant

(14)Comparison with numerical analysis and experiment of simulated horizontal connected two large cylindrical vessels

*Yuki Akamatsu1, Tatsuya Kudo1, Yoshikazu Tamauchi1, Masanao Nakano1, Naoya Sakagami1, Kohei Otake1, Nobuyuki Arai1, Wenbin Dai2, Motohiro Sakaihara2, Osamu Kanehira2 (1. Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited, 2. Mitsubishi Materials Corporation)

Time reserved for Chair (5:10 PM - 5:15 PM)




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