The 14th Asian Society of Conservation Medicine / 27th Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 2021 Joint Conference


September 21, 2021 
JSZWM committee meeting (in Japanese)
September 22, 2021 
Day 1 
Keynote theme: Reconcile Health and Conservation by Strengthening a Holistic and Global Approach

Keynote speaker 1: Prof A. Alonso Aguirre
"Conservation Medicine to Planetary Health: Transdisciplinary pathways for integrating biodiversity conservation, health, and sustainable development"

Keynote speaker 2: Prof Koichi Murata 
Avian plenary session 
Lunch break
Breakout oral session
Parasitology / Pathology
Marine  mammal
Avian / Reptiles & amphibians
Poster session (On-site presentation)
End of Day 1
September 23, 2021 
Day 2         
Keynote theme: Conservation Challenges in time of Global Recession and Pandemic

Keynote speaker 3: Prof Linfa Wang 
Keynote speaker 4: Dr Paolo Martelli 
Breakout oral session
Elephant / Primate 
Other species / Basic science 
Lunch break 
JSZWM plenary session:
Clinical medicine / Case report
Infectious disease 
End of Day 2 
September 24, 2021 
Day 3 (half-day) 
Wildlife management and conservation 
Breakout session 
Wildlife rescue and rehabilitation medicine  Feeding wildlife: Should it be done or not? (Interactive student session)
Announcement for next conference
Award ceremony & closing ceremony 
1330 - 
Public Lectures 
-coorganized by Hokkaido University and Maruyama Zoo-
(in Japanese)