The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information


Co-Innovation Program (CIP) » T3C. Bio-ventures to establish a new era of modalities

[S05-3pm] T3C. Bio-ventures to establish a new era of modalities

Sun. Mar 21, 2021 1:00 PM - 4:40 PM Webiner 5 (Online Meeting)

Chair, Symposium organizer:Hiroaki Suga, Osamu Ohno, Shuichi Yunomura

1:50 PM - 2:30 PM

[S05-3pm-02] Development of cell therapy toward the practical application

Invited Lecture

Masaharu Tani1 (1. Gene Techno Science Co., Ltd. )

[Lang.] Japanese

Keywords:Cell therapy, SHED, Bone regeneration, Nerve growth factor