129th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan

Presentation information

Session Poster

J1. Junior Session

[7poster-0900] J1. Junior Session

Sat. Sep 10, 2022 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM poster (poster)

[J-P-9] Fossil oribatid mites from the peat bed exposed at the Serigawa river,Hikone,
Shiga Prefecture,central Japan

★日本地質学会ジュニアセッション奨励賞 受賞★

Gunma Prefectural Ota Girls High School

大塚万優、田島 満、清水祐希、伊集院早希、田邊美柚、細堀優香、前田紗楽、丸山心愛
