Imaging Conference JAPAN 2018

Presentation information

Oral presentation


[IJ5.2] Inkjet (5-2) Applications/3D Printing/Bio Printing

Thu. Jun 21, 2018 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM Conference Room (2nd Floor, Engineering Research Building II)

Session Chair:Takeshi Miyato, Koei Suzuki(Ricoh Company, Ltd.)

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

[IJ5.2-01] Study on Edible Ink Coating Method Using Electrostatically Ink Jet Method

Kazuhisa Matsuo1, *Minori Okabe1, Yuzou Yamasaki1 (1. Fukuoka Institute of Technology)

Inkjet technology has been studied as a method of recording characters and images. As a result, not
only letters but also image recording has reached photographic image quality. Furthermore, recently the
inkjet technology has been drawn using edible ink not only on recording paper but also on candy characters
and the like. However, recorded matter containing moisture is difficult. We are studying an electrostatic
induction type inkjet method using edible ink. This aim is coating on moisture-containing "surimi" etc. This
time, we will report on the fundamental study of edible ink by this method.