The 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium

Presentation information

Organized Sessions

Organized session » OS8 Multi hazard for earthquake and flood

Multi hazard for earthquake and flood

Thu. Nov 23, 2023 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM G414 (PACIFICO Yokohama North, 4F)

Chairpersons: Kazuo Tamura (Kanagawa University), Yasuo Nihei (Tokyo University of Science)

10:08 AM - 10:20 AM

[Day1-G414-05] Research on water resistance performance and countermeasures against flood damage based on damage survey of buildings in the 2020 Kuma River flood

*Ayaka Katano1, Yoshiaki Hisada1, Masahiro Murakami1, Yasuo Nihei2, Toshihisa Kubota2, Jin Kashiwada2, Kazuo Tamura3, Masanori Fujita3 (1. Kogakuin University, 2. Tokyo University of Science, 3. Kanagawa University)

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