


13 半導体 » 13.4 Si系プロセス・Si系薄膜・配線・MEMS・集積化技術

[20a-233-1~9] 13.4 Si系プロセス・Si系薄膜・配線・MEMS・集積化技術

2018年9月20日(木) 09:30 〜 11:45 233 (233)

野口 隆(琉球大)、東 清一郎(広島大)

10:00 〜 10:15

[20a-233-3] Change of Raman Scattering as a Function of Laser Power in Si-Films Crystallized by CLC

〇(M2)Muhammad Arif Razali、Nobuo Sasaki2,1、Yasuaki Ishikawa1、Yukiharu Uraoka1 (1.Nara Institute of Science and Technology、2.Sasaki Consulting)

キーワード:laser annealing, CLC, polycrystalline silicon

Crystallized poly-Si by continuous wave laser were done and the grain orientation were observed by EBSD for different laser power. Raman spectroscopy then carried out at different grain texture to study the stress in different grain texture and orientation.