


13 半導体 » 13.5 デバイス/配線/集積化技術

[18p-B11-1~14] 13.5 デバイス/配線/集積化技術

2019年9月18日(水) 13:15 〜 17:00 B11 (B11)

小林 正治(東大)、右田 真司(産総研)、若林 整(東工大)

13:30 〜 13:45

[18p-B11-2] Demonstration of HfO2 based Ferroelectric FET with Ultrathin-body IGZO for High-Density Memory Application

〇(D)FEI MO1、Yusaku Tagawa2、Chengji Jin1、MinJu Ahn1、Takuya Saraya1、Toshiro Hiramoto1、Masaharu Kobayashi1 (1.IIS, the Univ. of Tokyo、2.The Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:IGZO, ferroelectric, non-volatile memory

A junctionless FeFET with very thin IGZO channel and HfZrO2 (HZO) is proposed for 3D vertical structure to overcome the problems of poly-Si channel, such as low mobility of very thin poly-Si channel, Vth compensation and degraded subthreshold slope (SS) by charge trapping, and voltage loss by low-k interfacial layer on Si channel. We design and fabricate the device and demonstrate its potential as a lower power, high density memory device.