


[IX-29-28_30] 栄養・飼養(Ⅸ-午後)

2019年3月29日(金) 15:10 〜 15:40 第IX会場 (8号館8502講義室)

座長:竹中 昭雄(日本科学飼料協会)

15:10 〜 15:20

[IX29-28E] Uterine microbiota of dairy cows as influenced by season and postpartum period

Thuong Nguyen Thi1, Ayumi Miyake2, Yuji Tanabe2, Takeshi Tsuruta1, Naoki Nishino1 (1.Okayama Univ., 2.Okayama Prefecture Livestock Research Institute)

[Objective] To understand the uterine microbiota of dairy cows at 1 and 2 months after calving and the effect of season on the microbiota.
[Methods] Samples were collected from Holstein cows managed at Okayama Prefecture Livestock Research Institute. At 1 and 2 months after calving, uterine samples were collected using cytobrush from 9 cows in summer (June 6th to August 22nd, 2017) and 8 cows in winter (November 17th, 2017 to March 2nd, 2018). Bacterial DNAs were subjected to MiSeq analysis and their taxa were determined.
[Results] The uterine microbiota indicated huge taxonomic diversity including 34 phyla, 213 families, and 374 genera. At family level, the most abundant taxa in summer samples were Enterobacteriaceae (12.3%), Moraxellaceae (12.1%), Ruminococcaceae (10.9%), and Staphylococcaceae (7.63%). In winter samples, Ruminococcaceae (22.2%), Lachnospiraceae (7.30%), Bacteroidaceae (5.47%), Moraxellaceae (4.43%), and Clostridiaceae (3.95%) were predominant in the population. Whilst the microbiota composition was different between summer and winter, their populations were not different between 1 and 2 months postpartum.