The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology

Best Presentation Award for Young Talent

Purpose of the award
We award young researchers belonging to the Japan Society of Cell Biology through their excellent reserach presentations, thereby fostering cell biology researchers and helping them to become independent scientists.
Members of the society who are 38 years old (as of April 1, 2024) or younger, and are the first author (representative presenter) of a registered abstract for the award. Scheduled presenters of symposia can be considered if they wish.
How to apply
Those who wish to be considered for the award should submit their biography, date of birth, and a 2,000 characters self-recommendation (including the results of research that you are presenting, its significance in the field, points of particular importance and the degree of your contribution) at the same time with thier presentation abstract via the Internet.
About screening
The first round of screening will be conducted based on the materials submitted, and approximately 10 young best presentation award winners will be selected. The winners of the Best Presentation Award for Young Scientist will make a presentation at the Selection Committee in the symposium "Best Presentation Award as Young Scientists", which will be held during the conference, and two best talks will be selected (second round screening). Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists winners may also present their papers at symposium as invited speakers.
Members of the Selection Committee for the Best Presentation Award for Young Scienstist and a few members of the Conference Program Committee will judge the presentations on the recommendation of the Conference President.
Screening criteria
In the first screening, the novelty, originality, and developement of the research, as well as degree of contribution of the applicant to the selection process will be comprehensively evaluated. In the second round of screening, in addition to the above criteria, a comprehensive evaluation will be made including thier presentation ability that allow to attract the cell biology reserchers outside of presenters's fields.
All young best presenter award winners will be invited to the banquet on the second day of the conference to recieve their awards. In addition, the two best winners of the Best Presentation Award for Young Scientist will be announced and will recieve a certificate and a prize from the conference.