The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology

Plenary session / Symposium

Plenary session
"Technologies for look-back-in-time biology"
Nozomu Yachie

1. Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine, Osaka University
2. Biomedical Engineering、The School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of British Columbia

Starting from a fertilized egg, cells proliferate, pass their genomic information to their daughter cells, and dynamically change their functions to form diverse tissue structures. Throughout development, intracellular and environmental cues trigger patterns of gene expression that govern cell state transitions and produce additional cellular and environmental cues, leading cells to self-organize into functional clusters within spatially distinct areas. How can these processes be investigated? High-resolution molecular snapshots of cells can be obtained using various omics technologies, but these methods require the destruction of the sample, thereby precluding time-course analyses. Live-cell imaging is limited to analyzing only a small number of molecules or cells. To overcome this common obstacle in biology, our research program is pioneering two major fileds in biology: (1) DNA event recording and (2) retrospective clone isolation.

In the idea of DNA event recording, molecular and cellular events of an organism are progressively stored in synthetic “DNA tapes,” like a molecular ticker tape (Science 2022). Such a system allows for the readout of historical molecular expression profiles of many cells using high-throughput single-cell sequencing. We are currently assembling cell engineering, animal engineering, genome editing (Nature Biotechnology 2020) and high-performance computing technologies (Nature Biotechnology 2022) with the landmark goal of mapping high-content cell lineage and cell differentiation trajectories of the whole mouse body development.

Another idea is retrospective clone isolation (bioRxiv 2023.01.18.524633v1). In this concept, cells in a population are first tagged with unique, short DNA barcodes and propagated. A subpopulation is then subjected to a specific assay. After identifying a barcode for a clone of interest that demonstrate a specific phenotype, the same clone, or its close relatives, are isolated in a barcode-dependent manner from the initial population or any other subpopulation stored during the experiment. The isolated clone can be subjected to various experiments, including omics measurements and synthetic population reconstitution assays.

“Dynamic regulation of stem cell fate in human epidermis
Fiona Mary Watt

1. EMBL-Heidelberg
2. King's College London

The epidermis is the multilayered epithelium that forms the outer layer of human skin. It is maintained by stem cells that are attached to an underlying basement membrane. Cells undergo terminal differentiation as they detach from the basement membrane and move through the suprabasal epidermal layers to the tissue surface, from which they are shed. Tissue homeostasis depends on a balance between stem cell renewal and differentiation. While many of the molecular regulators of stem cell behaviour have been identified, how they are integrated and change over time are open questions. I will describe how new insights from single cell RNA sequencing of cells isolated directly from the skin, combined with new experimental models, are helping us to understand the combined effects of cell-ECM adhesion and cell-cell contact in regulating epidermal differentiation. 

[1S-Am (English)] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)

Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Prologue to Protein Lifetime Research”
Daisuke Morito (Showa University School of Medicine)
Koji Yamano (Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

RNA expressions do not highly correlate with the downstream protein levels. This discrepancy is due to diversities of translation efficiency and protein lifetime. In addition to RNA-seq analysis, innovations of various technologies such as precise measurement and manipulation of protein lifetime make us open up a new protein era. In this symposium, we would like to propose a creation of protein lifetime science, which will shed new light on the chaotic protein world.

[1S-Bm] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (B)
“Philostasis: Biology of Multicellular Dormancy
Mio Nakanishi (Chiba University)
Haruka Hirose (Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

The dormant state of multicellular tissues, such as mammalian diapause embryos, tissue stem cells, and latent cancer, is observed across various species and timescales, and its biological significance is indeed diverse. Traditionally, these dormancy phenomena have been vaguely recognized as a 'result' of deteriorating nutritional conditions, but recent findings indicate that organisms actively transition into a dormant state based on intricate intercellular interactions to overcome environmental stress. In this symposium, we will introduce cutting-edge insights and technological developments related to these phenomena of 'Philostasis' (programmed dormancy in multicellular organisms).

Co-sponsored by: JST-MOONSHOT
“Molecular, cellular, and interorgan networks controlling “natural history of cancer””
Shizue Osawa (Nagoya University)
Miho Sekai (Kyoto University)
There are growing evidence showing that the development and progression of cancer are governed not only by the accumulation of multiple genetic mutations but also by the interaction between cancerous cells and their surrounding environment. Understanding this complicated mechanism has become an urgent challenge toward intractable cancers. In this symposium, we present the latest insights into systemic signals, including cellular interactions and metabolism controlling the "natural history of cancer" from precancerous stages to malignancy. We will discuss about the principles of cancer regulation through molecular, cellular, and interorgan networks.

[1S-Dm] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
“Organelle zones in the Golgi: Regulation of biological functions by functionally distinct regions in the Golgi cisternae”
Satoshi Goto (Rikkyo University)
Hiderou Yoshida (University of Hyogo)

[2S-Am (English)] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
“Mechanisms of cellular dynamics governing tissue formation - unraveling at the molecular level”
Koji Kikuchi (Kumamoto University)
Masakazu Yamazaki (Akita University)

The diverse cellular dynamics that give rise to tissue identity are specified and driven at the molecular level through a complex interplay of genetic, biochemical, mechanical, and environmental factors. This intricate regulation ensures that cells within tissues exhibit the appropriate behaviors and functions to form and maintain functional tissues and organs. In this symposium, we will introduce the latest research that unravels cellular dynamics at the molecular level.

Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Advancing understanding of Supramolecular Clusters and Cells through cutting-edge Physics and Imaging”
Daiju Kitagawa (The University of Tokyo)
Masashi Tachikawa (Yokohama City University)

To understand the mechanisms of intracellular functions, it is crucial to focus on the dynamic interactions and higher-order clustering of molecular complexes, which function as "supramolecular complexes". This symposium brings together researchers from diverse fields, including advanced imaging techniques, physical theories, and synthetic biology. The aim is to discuss the unknown mechanisms by which supramolecular
complexes form and function in cells from multiple perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach is expected to lead to a dramatic deepening of our understanding of intracellular phenomena.

[2S-Cm] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Cross-scale Cell Biology”
Masahide Kikkawa (The University of Tokyo)
Ryo Nitta (Kobe University)

[2S-Dm] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
“Unexpected functions of cellular protrusions for inter-cellular communications”
Takanari Inoue (Johns Hopkins University)
Shiro Suetsugu (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Cell surface is never flat. It is rather a place enriched with various types of dents and bumps. The ones extending outward include microvilli, filopodia, blebs, spines, and cilia, to name a few. These cellular protrusions have been long thought to play a role in cell functions that require the sensation of environmental cues and/or generation of driving force to move forward. However, recent findings unexpectedly revealed their prevailing roles in cell-to-cell communications. For example, intercellular transfers of biomolecules are achieved through tunneling nanotubes of stem cells, as well as through extracellular vesicles released from cilia, microvilli, and filopodia of epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Collectively, cellular protrusions have to be revisited and redefined as structures responsible for dynamic cell-to-cell communications. In this symposium, we will broadly cover the latest exciting studies on a variety of cell protrusions and membrane structures, aiming to unravel their similarities and differences, and through this effort, we will naturally conclude what cellular protrusions are for in biology.

[2S-Aa (English)] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Mechanochemical crosstalk in multicellular movement during development”
Takayuki Suzuki (Osaka Metropolitan University)
Hidehiko Hashimoto (Osaka University)
Multicellular movement underlies multicellular morphogenesis and homeostasis during development. While genetic programs pattern multicellular movements through biochemical signaling pathways that act within and between cells, it remains not fully elucidated how self-organized patterns of multicellular movements emerge from dynamic mechanochemical interactions across molecular, cellular and tissue scales. In this symposium, we aim to understand the common and divergent systems underlying the mechanism governing the emergence of patterns of multicellular movements during development through comparing studies across various tissues and animals.

[2S-Ca] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
Co-sponsored by: International Leading Research
“Non-model organisms and imaging”
Minako Ueda (Tohoku University)
Yoshikatsu Sato (Nagoya University)

Co-sponsored by: ExCELLS
“Spatiotemporal Atlas of Dynamic Structure and Function of Organelles”
Nobuyuki Shiina (National Institutes of Natural Sciences)
Hidetaka Kosako (Tokushima University)

[3S-Am (English)] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Chromatin structure and genome modality”
Kazuhiro Maeshima (National Institute of Genetics)
Tomoko Nishiyama (Kyoto University)
Recent technology developments in imaging and genome sequencing have uncovered novel chromatin structures in higher order. This symposium will explore the chromatin structure, its dynamics, and its relationship with cellular functions and diseases. It will also provide an interdisciplinary discussion of the chromatin structure from multiple viewpoints, including mathematics, biochemistry, cell biology, and bioinformatics.

[3S-Bm] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
“Homeostasis in Living Organisms and Its Dysregulation: Unraveling Life Processes and Diseases through Biological Signals”
Ari Hashimoto (Hokkaido University)
Chitose Oneyama (Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute)
In the diverse cells that compose the living body, intricate signaling processes occurs both inside and outside the cell to adapt to environmental changes and maintain homeostasis. Dysregulation of these mechanisms leads to the development and progression of various diseases. In this symposium, researchers from different fields will discuss the diversity and similarity in the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis in organisms, and the relationship between their disruption and diseases.

“Pioneering a new era of organelle biology from a lipid perspective”
Yasushi Tamur (Yamagata University)
Fubito Nakatsu (Niigata University)

[3S-Aa (English)] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
Co-sponsored by: Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
“Properties of biomaterials and their roles in cell fate decision”
Kyogo Kawaguchi (RIKEN)
Tetsuya Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo)
Biosystems, abundant in information processing units, not only adhere to but also leverage the physical laws shaping cellular materials. This session aims to bring together leading researchers to delve into the physical aspects of biomaterials in information processing, with a particular focus on cell fate decisions. It will showcase innovative methods for understanding and manipulating both multicellular and intracellular dynamics, thereby bridging the gap between biology and physics.

Co-sponsored by: JST-CREST
“Molecular cell biology of maternal-fetal interphase”
Fumiko Toyoshima (Kyoto University)
Kenichi Miharada (Kumamoto University)
Mammals have a survival strategy that allows their offspring to develop adequately within the mother's body. This mammalian viviparity has an evolutionary advantage, providing a stable supply of nutrients and gas exchange from the mother to the foetus. Previous studies of mammalian embryonic development have focused on the autonomous mechanisms of the foetus. In recent years, however, the field of embryonic development has expanded to focus on the crosstalk between the fetus and the mother. In addition, the relevance of maternal environmental factors to fetal development has been highlighted. In this symposium we would like to discuss the new basic principles of mammalian embryonic development from the point of view of maternal-fetal crosstalk and their application to medical care.

Co-sponsored by: Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Intercellular communication that supports the multicellular autonomy”
Yasuyuki Fujita (Kyoto University)
Toshiro Moroishi (Kumamoto University)

[3S-Da] (A small number of abstracts will be accepted)
“Maintenance/disruption of organelle “quantity” and “quality””
Ryo Ushioda (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Kota Yanagitani (Osaka University)
It is essential that the homeostasis of organelle quantity and quality is maintained through strict control. However, under processes such as development and cell differentiation, the homeostatic system may be intentionally released, resulting in dynamic changes in the quantity and quality of organelles. Furthermore, its fluctuations can cause various diseases and aging, making the understanding of the system critical. However, to date, there have been limitations in the technology that can monitor and evaluate quantitative and qualitative changes in organelles, creating a barrier to understanding cellular homeostasis. Experts attempting to evaluate the quantity and quality of organelles using new parameters will explore the mysteries of cellular homeostasis.