The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology

Presentation information


[2S-Cm] [Transformative Research Areas (A)] Cross-scale Cell Biology

Thu. Jul 18, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Venue C (2F Conference Room 201)

Organizers:Masahide Kikkawa(The University of Tokyo), Ryo Nitta(Kobe University)

[2C04] Revealing the mechanism of dynamic mesoscale actin ring organization in collective cell migration

*Sayaka Sekine1, Kaede Nakasato1, Mayuko Sato2, Satoko Okayama3, Kenta Onoue3, Shigenobu Yonemura3, Kiminori Toyooka2, Hiroyuki Uechi1,4, Erina Kuranaga1,5 (1. Tohoku University, Grad. Sch. of Life Sciences, 2. RIKEN CSRS, 3. RIKEN BDR, 4. Tohoku University, FRIS, 5. Kyoto University, Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci.)

Keywords:Actin, Collective cell migration, left-right asymmetry, MyoID, Macropinocytosis

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