The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

[2P-2] Cell growth, Cell differentiation, Cell death 2

Thu. Jul 18, 2024 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Venue P, Cell growth・Cell differentiation・Cell death (1F Multi-Purpose Hall)

[2P09] Identification of cell competition markers

*Eilma Akter1, Olivia Marchia Kusuma1, Takahiro Kuchimaru3, Shunsuke Kon2 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Sci. Grad. Sch. of Bio. Sci., 2. Tokyo Univ. of Sci. Res. Inst. for Bio. Sci. Dev. of Cancer Cell Bio., 3. Jichi Med. Univ. Ctr. for Mol. Med.)

Keywords:Cell Competition, Epithelial Cells

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