The 71st Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Session information

Research lecture

Research Lecture V

[3C] (02) Education resources and systems-III / (01-2)Methods of liberal arts education in the form of lectures and exercises and the development of teaching materials

Fri. Sep 8, 2023 2:30 PM - 4:15 PM Room C (Lecture 111)

Chairperson:Tadashi ITOH(Hiroshima Institute of Technology) Second Chairperson:Toshimasa KOBAYASHI

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[3C19] Practice of Project Based Learning with Teams Composed by Different Departments

Fostering awareness of co-creation activities in first-year university classes

○Koji FUJITA1, Jun OSAWA2, Genki TAKAHASHI3, Takeshi FUJII3, Motoki KATSUHARA3, Tsuyoshi KANO2 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, 2. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, College of Informatics and Human Communication, 3. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, College of Architecture)



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