The 71st Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Presentation information

Research lecture

Research Lecture IV

[3B] (01-3) Education at universities and KOSEN (College of Technology) - Application method and its teaching materials development in engineering design education by engineering major lab/ exercises -II

Fri. Sep 8, 2023 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Room B (Lecture 107)

Chairperson:Shin WAKITANI(Hiroshima University) Second Chairperson:Mayumi ITO

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[3B01] Group idea education for Creativity development (5th Report)

Function design document

○Shigeki FUJIWARA1 (1. Toyota Technological Institute)

Keywords:Function design document, Engineering Design, Active Learning, Exercise

We are conducting exercises from planning to prototyping for LED desks stands. To make the prototype, the function design documents are created. It is necessary to anticipate possible quality problems and logically explain their solutions in writing. We report on this method.

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