The 71th Annual Meeting of JSFST

Presentation information

Oral presentation

A 食品成分,食品分析 (Food Ingredients, Food Analysis)

[2Dp] Food Analysis

Fri. Aug 30, 2024 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room D (3F N324)

Chair:Tatsuro Maeda

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[2Dp-01] Comprehensive Analysis of Volatiles of Green Tea and Searching for Novel Compounds Using Non-targeting Omics

*Shuntaro ISOYA1, Takayoshi TANAKA2, Mari MAEDA-YAMAMOTO3, Tetsuya ARAKI2, Tatsurou MAEDA1 (1. Teikyo Heisei University, Graduate School of Helth and Dietetics, 2. The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Global Aglicultral Sciences, 3. Institute of Food Research,NARO)

Keywords:Non-targeting Omics, 2 Dimensional Gas Chromatography, Green Tea, Novel Compounds

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