JVSS 2023

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

[1Ia01-07] Vacuum Science Technology (VST)

Tue. Oct 31, 2023 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM I: Room233 (3F)

Chair:Hajime Yoshida(AIST), Hiroki Kurisu(Yamaguchi University)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[1Ia02] Surface analysis and vacuum performance of BeCu material

*Kaoru Wada1, toru yanagibashi2, takashi shiga1,2, junichiro kamiya2 (1. Tokyo Electronics Co., Ltd., 2. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

It is necessary to reduce the outgassing from materials in order to achieve the extreme high vacuum, and which methods such as surface treatment and baking. Another cause of increased outgassing is temperature rise from heat sources such as vacuum gauges and mass spectrometer filaments. BeCu material has the characteristics of high thermal conductivity and low thermal emissivity, which can reduce temperature rise. Furthermore, the BeCu material is able to reduce the outgassing with the special heat treatment. Because of this property, BeCu material with the special heat treatment is used in the extreme high vacuum equipment such as vacuum gauges, mass spectrometers, and vacuum piping. In order to confirm this characteristic, the surface condition of the BeCu material was confirmed by XPS analysis. It was confirmed by the build-up test that the BeCu material has good for vacuum characteristics.

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