JVSS 2023

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

[1P01-52] Poster Presentation

Tue. Oct 31, 2023 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM poster (1F)

[1P15] Magnetism and electrical transport properties of heterostructures with topological crystalline insulator PbxSn1-xTe and magnetic layer Crx(Bi1-ySby)2-xTe3

*Ryotaro Minakawa1, Ryota Akiyama1, Yuxiao Guo1, Rei Hobara1, Shuji Hasegawa1 (1. School of Science, Tokyo University)

When ferromagnetism is introduced into the topological insulator (TI), a magnetic Dirac gap (DG) opens in the surface bands. Once the Fermi level (EF) is tuned into the DG, quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) is realized, inducing a dissipation-less edge current. So far, only Z2 TI is used for QAHE, but with a topological crystalline insulator (TCI) the multi-channel QAHE is expected thanks to the multi-Dirac-cones. The EF of a typical TCI, PbxSn1-xTe (PST), can be tuned by Pb/Sn ratio and PST can be grown on Crx(Bi1-ySby)2-xTe3 (CBST) which is a ferromagnetic modulation doping layer used in Z2 QAHE system. So, we planned to fabricate the CBST/PST/CBST samples for aiming QAHE. The sample showed ferromagnetism and its Curie temperature reached ~130K, which was the highest among reported system showing QAHE. However, with y=0.5 sample, no AHE was observed, meaniong no interaction between carriers and the local magnetic moment. We will discuss it in more detail in the presentation.

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