[1P31] Self-sustained electrical oscillations of VO2-based planar devices and their coupled oscillation phenomena
Vanadium dioxide (VO2) shows a sharp insulator-metal transition (IMT) with resistance change over 4 orders at around 68°C concomitant with a structural phase transition (SPT). The VO2 film also shows rapid decrease in resistance with current jump when certain voltage is applied between facing electrodes on the film. This current jump possesses a negative resistance region, resulting in the phenomenon of self-sustained oscillation. Self-sustained oscillation is expected to be applied to neuromorphic devices. Further, it is known that parallel connection of self-sustained oscillators realizes coupled oscillation, in which their phases are automatically synchronized . The coupled oscillations are expected to be applied to various issues in mathematical engineering field, such as graph coloring problem. In this study, the coupled oscillation was successfully demonstrated in a planar device with two self-oscillation circuits.
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