JVSS 2023

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

[2P01-53] Poster Presentation

Wed. Nov 1, 2023 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM poster (1F)

[2P35] Structural switching of sumanene mechanically induced by AFM

*Kota Iwata1, Hidehiro Sakurai2, Yoshiaki Sugimoto1 (1. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)

Chemical reaction caused by mechanical stimuli is known as the mechanochemistry. Recent development of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) has enabled us to investigate the various chemical reactions on the solid surface in the single molecule or atom scale, however, only a few experiments reported the reaction induced by the mechanical stimuli. In this study, we demonstrate the structural inversion of bowl-shaped molecule, sumanene, induced by the force between molecule and AFM tip. Experiments were performed by AFM/STM operated in ultra-high vacuum at 77 or 5 K. Sumanene was thermally deposited on Au(111). Sumanene formed 6 x 6 lattice consisting of bowl-up and -down configuration. We applied repulsive force onto bowl-down sumanene by bringing AFM tip close to molecule. As a result, we successfully converted bowl-down sumanene into bowl-up one through purely mechanical stimuli.

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