
講演情報(2023年8月10日付 確定版)


【一般講演】 開発機械/ 岩盤工学/ 資源開発技術[9/12(火) PM 第2会場]

2023年9月12日(火) 13:00 〜 17:10 [第2会場] 4F EL44(共通講義棟C)

司会者:福田 大祐(北海道大学)、里見 知昭(東北大学)、木崎 彰久(秋田大学)

15:15 〜 15:35

[1207-17-07] (学生発表:修士課程)Research on improving the performance of ground penetrating radar to detect defects in tunnel structures based on numerical experiment

○Zhuke Zhang1, Hitoshi Mikada1, Junichi Takekawa1 (1. Kyoto University)

司会者:里見 知昭(東北大学)

キーワード:GPR, Internal disease detection, phased array source, FDTD, Reverse time migration

The internal damage of tunnel structure has great harm to the tunnel structure, but these internal damages are difficult to detect directly. As a nondestructive detection method, GPR has been widely used in the detection of various artificial structures in recent years. In order to improve the detection ability of GPR, a phased array source is used to replace a single source and simulated by finite-difference time-domain method. The simulation results show that the phased array source has higher horizontal resolution than a single source.Then, in the numerical experiments, we applied a decay compensation reverse-time migration algorithm to invert the forward data. Finally, under the application of reverse-time migration imaging conditions, the ground-penetrating radar obtained high-resolution imaging results.




