Session for Selection of Student Presentation Award
Thu. Oct 29, 2020 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ROOM B
chairperson:Makiko Ohtani(Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo)
4:00 PM - 4:10 PM
*Yuki Kawano1, Takehi Isse1, Akiko Takeo1, Hitoshi Kawakatsu1, Hajime Shiobara1, Nozomu Takeuchi1, Hiroko Sugioka2, YoungHee Kim3, Hisashi Utada1, Sang-Mook Lee3 (1. Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 2. Kobe University, 3. Seoul National University)
4:10 PM - 4:20 PM
*Koichiro Suzuki1, Musa Siphiwe Manzi2, Hiroshi Ogasawara1, Taku Noda1, Lindsay Linzer3, Raymond J Durrheim2, Bennie Liebenberg4 (1. Ritsumeikan University, 2. University of Witwatersrand, School of Geosciences, 3. SRK(Pty)Ltd, 4. Moab Khotsong mine)
4:20 PM - 4:30 PM
*Genki Oikawa1, Naofumi Aso1, Junichi Nakajima1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM
*Kazuki Ohtake1,2, Nobuki Kame2, Makiko Ohtani2 (1. Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, The University of Tokyo , 2. Earthquake Research Institute,The University of Tokyo)
4:40 PM - 4:50 PM
*Shinichi Oba1, YUTA Mitsui2 (1. Grasuate School of Science and Tecnology, Shizuoka University, 2. Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University)