The Japanese Biochemical Society

[1P-192(1T13e-05)] A Proximity Labeling Strategy Provides Insights into Proteomes of early endosome

Ni Shenwei1, Mukai Kojiro1, Suzuki Takehiro2, Dohmae Naoshi2, Arai Hiroyuki1,4, Taguchi Tomohiko3,5 (1.Department of Health Chemistry, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo, 2.Biomolecular Characterization Unit, RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Wako, Japan, 3.Laboratory of Organelle Pathophysiology, Department of Integrative Life Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University,, 4.AMED-CREST, 5.AMED-PRIME)

The 91th Annual Meeting of JBS