Japan Association for Medical Informatics

618 results (41 - 50)

[3-A-1] Exit Strategy of the “Rinchu-Net” Project and Expected Contribution to the Nationwide Application of Medical Real-World Data

*Naoki Nakashima1,2, Toshihiro Takeda1,3, Mihoko Okada1,4,5, Katsuhiko Ogasawara1,6, Hideo Kusuoka5,7, Yumiko Nomura8 (1. Japan Association for Medical Informatics, 2. Kyushu University, 3. Osaka University, 4. Institute of Health Data Infrastructure for All, 5. Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, 6. Hokkaido University, 7. National Hospital Organization, 8. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)

The 42nd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics |PDF Download

618 results (41 - 50)