The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (4121 - 4130)

[3P-383] Analysis of Atg9 vesicle formation mechanism essential for autophagy

Takumi Kimura1,2, Takayuki Shima3, Tetuya Kotani2, Hitoshi Nakatogawa1,2 (1.Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2.IIR, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 3.Depart. of Genetics, Grad Sch. of Medicine, Osaka University)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-391_2SP-04-13] The Golgi stress caused by PI4P metabolic dysregulation inhibits glycosylation in the Golgi

Marika Toide1, Sadao Wakabayashi1, Hajime Sakurai1, Toshiyuki Yamaji4, kaori sakurai2, Kanae Sasaki1, Kentaro Hanada4, Masafumi Yohda3, Hiderou Yoshida1 (1.Dept. of Life Sci., Grad. Sch., Univ. of Hyogo, 2.Grad. Sch. of Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Technol., 3.Dept. of Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Technol., 4.NIID)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (4121 - 4130)