The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (2791 - 2800)

[2P-007] A Practical Guide to Genome Assembly with Varied Levels of Heterozygosity

Takako Mochizuki1, Mika Sakamoto1, Yasuhiro Tanizawa1, Takuro Nakayama2, Goro Tanifuji3, Ryoma Kamikawa4, Yasukazu Nakamura1 (1.Genome Informatics Lab., NIG, 2.Center for Computational Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba, 3.Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4.Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-009] Genetic Taxonomy of the Genus Paramecium by RAPD-PCR

Masato Tachibana1, Kenta Watanabe2, Takashi Shimizu2, Masahisa Watarai2 (1.Res. Cent. for TMR., Org. for Res. Ini., Yamaguchi Univ., 2.Joi. Gra. Sch. of Vet. Med., Yamaguchi Univ.)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-011] Study of amplification methods for SNP analysis of DNA derived from blood smears preserved for more than 50 years

Tomonori Hayashi1,4, Naohiro Kato2, Kousuke Tanimoto1,4, Yukari Morishita1, Mayumi Maki1, Noriaki Yoshida3, Osamu Tanabe4, Waka Ohishi3 (1.Dept. of Mol. Bio. Sci., Rad. Effects. Res. Found., 2.Dept. of Stat., Rad. Effects Res. Found., 3.Dept. of Cli. Std., Rad. Effects Res. Found., 4.Bio. Res. Center, Rad. Effects Res. Found.)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (2791 - 2800)