Imaging Conference JAPAN 2019



Imaging Conference JAPAN 2019 » 2.5D,加飾

[DP1] 2.5D・加飾プリンティング オーガナイズドセッション キーノート講演

2019年7月4日(木) 09:30 〜 10:20 コンファレンスルーム (工学系総合研究棟2二階)

座長:平林 純(キヤノン株式会社)

09:30 〜 10:20

[DP1-01] 2.5D Printing: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and 3D Applications

*Carinna Elizabeth Parraman1, Maria V. Ortiz Segovia2 (1. University of the West of England, 2. Océ Print Logic Technologies)

In our fast evolving manufacturing world, as more things are designed and created digitally, how do we bridge the gap between images we see on screen and how these are physically reproduced? How convincing are these? As more images are digitally reproduced and printed, standardised methods for commercial printing are becoming faster, cheaper, bigger and bolder, but we could suggest that quantity has been achieved at the cost of quality, and ubiquity at the cost of diversity.
This presentation will explore the field of 2.5D printing, its uses and applications to explore a new materiality of surface and new tactile engagement.

